From My Library (Audio)

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We have something in common. We love books and we love to read. I know that because why else would you be on my website instead of playing Sudoku? Early in 2011 I had the urge to read aloud selections from some of the 3,000 books in my personal library. (Don’t worry, I didn’t record passages from some obscure textbook on Medieval gardening . . . yes, I have one; some delicacies are best savored in private.) Instead, I selected some of my favorite passages from some of my favorite authors, including me. Don’t look so shocked. It’s not conceit. There are times when authors are struck with inspiration and write above their ability. Reading the passages once the book is published allows us to relive the initial thrill.

Here is a listing of the recordings. Click on any title that interests you. I hope you enjoy listening to them. I certainly enjoyed recording them.

Autobiography of William Butler Yeats
Adventures of Tom Bombadil – J.R.R. Tolkien
The Christian Imagination – Peter J. Leithart
Don Quixote (1) – Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote (2) – Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote (3) – Miguel de Cervantes
Daylight and Nightmare – G. K. Chesterton
The Puritans – Jack Cavanaugh
Tolkien: A Biography – Humphrey Carpenter
Glimpses of Truth (1) – Jack Cavanaugh
Glimpses of Truth (2) – Jack Cavanaugh
Glimpses of Truth (3) – Jack Cavanaugh
Beyond The Sacred Page – Jack Cavanaugh
Paradise Lost – John Milton
Proof – Jack Cavanaugh
The Great Zeppelin Raid – Unpublished memoir
The Allies – Jack Cavanaugh
Space – James Michener
Winds of War – Herman Wouk
A Hideous Beauty – Jack Cavanaugh
A Hideous Beauty (2) – Jack Cavanaugh
Postmarked Heaven – Jack Cavanaugh
The Red Fairy Book – Andrew Lang
The Stand – Stephen King
Let’s Hear It For Rhetoric – Wen Smith

