Jack Cavanaugh’s Books

Strength for the Quest
THERE ARE LAWS FOR RELATIONSHIPS. Like scientific laws, relationship laws are not made, but discovered. One such law was discovered during the race to the South Pole.

After facing the bitter disappoint of reaching the South Pole, only to discover that his rival had reached it five weeks earlier, Capt. Robert Scott and his men began the long journey back to their base camp.

They never made it home.

Deteriorating weather, frostbite, snow blindness, and exhaustion took a fatal toll. Their supplies ran out. And as their inevitable fate settled in on the expedition, Capt. Scott recorded his thoughts in a journal that was eventually found next to his body.

 Included in the journal was this entry:

 “We are pegging out in a very comfortless spot. We are in a desperate state — feet frozen, no fuel, and a long way from food, but it would do your heart good to be in our tent, to hear our songs and our cheery conversation.”

 The relationship law at work here? The key to happiness lies in who you’re with, not where you are or what your situation.

Because Life Is More Than A Journey

FOR MORE – Click Here to watch a great video, “Happiness is Productive”

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