Jack Cavanaugh’s Books

Fantasizing Fame: A Parable

There is an ancient African folktale that tells the story of a village that was terrorized by a lion. Old and no longer king of a pride, the lion didn’t have females to hunt for him. So he raided villages at night, stealing cattle and snatching unwary children.  All...

When Reading Was a Crime

ANNE ASKEW KNEW when they handed her the book she was committing a criminal act simply by holding it.  I wonder if she hesitated before lifting the cover. I wonder if she began at the beginning, or turned to a particular page, and if so, which one? I wonder what...

Inspiring Heroes Inspire Readers

(Note: This post first appeared on Sherri Wilson Johnson’s blog, on March 22, 2012. It was my part of a blog exchange. You can read her post here.) AS A READER YOU KNOW THEM—  Emma Woodhouse Jane Eyre Robin Hood Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Atticus Finch Frodo...

The Law of Happiness

THERE ARE LAWS FOR RELATIONSHIPS. Like scientific laws, relationship laws are not made, but discovered. One such law was discovered during the race to the South Pole. After facing the bitter disappoint of reaching the South Pole, only to discover that his rival had...
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