Stories Are Sacred

Strength for the Quest
“STORIES ARE SACRED,” according to Leonard Sweet in his book, Soul Salsa.

“Storytelling is the most sacred of professions. Stories are what makes the soul healthy or ill, saved or damned. Prozac is really nothing more than a story drug that empties your mind of bad memories and allows the good life stories to take supremacy. . . . Stories are our lives’ greatest asset.” 

Sweet goes on to describe how we can choose items from our homes and ceremonies in our lives that are rooted in personal stories to strengthen our spiritual lives, not unlike the Jewish mezuzah on doorposts. He suggests you choose items to sanctify your living space with meaningful stories. 

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Beyond the Sacred Page – Cavanaugh

BeyondSacredPage 1

Jack reads selected passages
from his favorite books

Unscripted. Unrehearsed. Unedited.


Beyond the Sacred Page,
Jack Cavanaugh, 2003. 



It is Easter day and I am rejoicing in our Lord’s resurrection. I am also well into your book, Beyond the Sacred Page. It is excellent! 

— Dr. Bill Bright, Campus Crusade for Christ


Meg Foxe, the wife of a man passionately pursuing the heretic William Tyndale, encounters the beauty and power of the Tyndale New Testament translation.


Interested in reading more? Add Beyond the Sacred Page to your library!
Click here to buy it. 
