Novels Spark Revival In USSR

Strength for the Quest
I’m sure the author wouldn’t want to hear this, but for me the most memorable part of his book was a footnote— 

The footnote told how, in the 1970s, journalist Malcolm Muggeridge was interviewing Anatoly Kuznetsov, a Russian writer who had defected to England from the USSR. Muggeridge surprised to hear that a spiritual revival was taking place in the Soviet Union. This was at a time when virtually all Christian books, including the Bible, were banned by the Communist government. But according to Kuznetsov, there was hardly a writer or artist or musician who was not exploring spiritual faith. 

What was sparking the revival? 

Kuznetsov explained that while the Russian authorities suppressed all Christian writings, they dare not suppress the works of the great Russian novelists, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, and that through their novels people were reading perfect expositions of the Christian faith, resulting in widespread spiritual revival. 

On a personal note, early in my professional career I observed how story was able to portray spiritual truth in a powerful, memorable way. People remembered the stories I told long after they forgot the lesson. It was this observation that lead me to begin writing fiction. 

I’ve staked my professional career on the fact that good fiction is life-changing fiction. 

Because Life Is More Than A Journey


INTERESTED IN REVIVAL? For revivals in America, see my Great Awakenings novels

Click here: Great Awakenings


Space – Michener

Space Michener

Jack reads selected passages
from his favorite books

Unscripted. Unrehearsed. Unedited. 


Space, James Michener, 1982. 




When questioned about the need to inquire about intimate matters, a researcher explains her approach to writing and creating characters.


Interested in reading more? Add Space  to your library!
Click here to buy it. 


Interested in writing novels?

Consider attending a writer’s conference. I recommend:

Purchase a couple of writing books from my friend, James Scott Bell (click on title) — 

The Art of War for Writers

Plot & Structure

Revision & Self-editing

Writing Fiction for All You’re Worth 
Kindle book)


Standing on the Threshold

Medieval door with text smaller Threshold

The Times They Are A-Changin'


Who would have guessed a few short decades ago that storytelling would take such a momentous leap from bound pages to electronic books? Yet, here we are.
In his 1992 autobiography, storyteller James Michener said, "I cannot foresee what form the book, which has been so precious to me, will take in the next century. . . but I am positive that regardless of how the narrative is circulated, the men or women who can create it will continue to be invaluable."
Truth is, every society since the beginning of language has had its storytellers. And while the delivery system has varied over time, our craving for good stories remains constant.

 But with so many ways to communicate these days, which venue is best for me? While devices that use video and audio and pop-up links are currently the rage, I choose to tell stories with books—both bound and electronic—that engage  people in the reading experience that has been most dear to me.

These are my stories.


You stand on the threshold to the worlds of Jack Cavanaugh

Each page is a doorway to a different world

Enter and enjoy the adventure



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