Jack Cavanaugh’s Books


This is the fourth in a series of videos in which I take a look back at the making of my 9-volume novel series, An American Family Portrait, on the 20th Anniversary of the publishing of the first book in the series, The Puritans.


  1. Why I Write Christian Historical Fiction
  2. The Incredible Power of Historical Fiction
  3. The Making of The Puritans


  1. Sports on Sundays: Keeping the Sabbath in the days of The Puritans
  2. My 13-year Odyssey to Getting Published
  3. John Winthrop – The Forgotten Founding Father


  • As a Christian people, we are one generation away from godlessness.
  • I created the Morgan family Bible tradition to include the telling of a family’s spiritual heritage and a commissioning of the next generation.
  • The American colonies were prospering, but they were also becoming increasingly secular.
  • The story of The Colonists is a story of three siblings who, having lost the spiritual leadership of their father, must discover their own faith.
  • It was in the outlying districts and aboard pirate ships (of all places) where democracy first took root.
  • The first great national movement to unite the contentious colonies was a spiritual movement – The Great Awakening revival.

In the video I mention four novels I co-authored with Dr. Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ. Each of the novels is set during a time of great spiritual revival in America. You can learn more about this exciting series here: The Great Awakening Series.

 CLICK HERE to start reading An American Family Portrait in minutes!

Upcoming Episodes:

AUDIO: Jack tells how he wrote love poetry for a 15-year-old girl character

AUDIO: Jack relates a modern day news story about a 300-year-old stolen Bible

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